Monday 10 October 2011

Belts and Vinyl and such like....

I managed to make the belt how I wanted! huzzah!

Next in the pipe line is an underbust harness of a simliar design.
Im quite proud of myself having never worked with vinyl before I think it came out really well. Sits nicely on the hips as well.
Quite boring having to use pegs to fold it all under (cant use pins - but pegs work fine) didnt take too long considering. - plus It didnt take up all that much material either.
1 metre of vinyl cost me about £9 but I only used a bit and considering how much it probably would have cost if i'd bought it - bargain.

I do also need to make a bag and a holster to clip onto it.

Saturday 8 October 2011

Underskirt woes...

Well I have adjusted the underskirt with much faffing, and decided at the last minute I wasnt going to add the ruffle at the bottom becuase I was fed up.

It looks pretty good actually, and gives good fluff.

After getting bored with ruffles I have gone on to play with fake leather in order to make me a 'steampunk' type belt, I am now bored of pegs instead! (instead of pins).

Just got a TON of inspiration from this site as well...looks like the ruffler foot will be coming out again!

Monday 3 October 2011

Underskirt mk III...

The steampunk night was absolutely fabulous!
Looking forward to the next one in Febuary, have a ton of new outfit ideas :D

In other news I am attempting to make an underskirt again, my first attempt ended up with me giving up, my second attempt I managed a rather straggly looking thing and then I gave up again.

In the course of making the new steampunk outfit I bought a ruffler foot, which was a pain to get used to but made ruffles infinetly easier, with this in mind I thought, great I'll have another go. I managed a respectable 2 layer underskirt.

Proud of my creation and the added 'poof' it gave my skirt I went to Swingaroo Vintage dance night, only to be struck with intense petticoat envy! Those petticoats were much fluffier than mine, after spending a frankly disturbing amount of time looking at girls petticoats (I'm sure you can get arrested for that!) I deduced that I needed another layer at the bottom to make it fluffier. So I shall try to adjust the latest one and see how it looks.

In the mean time I've had to go get my sewing machine looked at - pretty sure plastic washers falling out of sewing machines isn't a good sign! fortunately the shop I go to seems to think its not to dire and tightened a few bits here and there to make it all fine. So Now I'm good to go for more ruffling...