Thursday 20 June 2013

February 2013 - Maternity leave cakes, Swedish Pancakes, Gluten Free Sweetbread bread disaster.

 First up - Proof you should never listen to your husband when cooking. Soup DISASTER. We tried making soup in the slow cooker, all would have been fine but I was tired and unsure of how much soup mix to add - instead of going with my gut I listened to the hubby - put the whole packet in he says. And we ended up with soup you could literally cut! Thinning it out with water made it really bland but help came from Facebook and someone suggested adding some Red Pesto - and it was pretty tasty.

I left work in February for my maternity leave and so there was obligatory cake, I did coffee, chocolate, vanilla and some Cheats Cinnamon Swirls - I used too much filling though and they went a bit soggy (turns out you can have too much of a good thing!)

 What other good thing is in February - oh yeah Pancake day or Pannkakor as they say in Sweden. as part of Swedish Cake exchange I made some Swedish Style pancakes spread with some runny home made Damson Jam I was given by my Cousin and her husband. It was possibly the perfect combination. IF you arn't lucky enough to have any given to you, you can buy Damson Jam or any other fruit Jam you fancy and heat it until it becomes runny.

I tried to make some Gluten Free versions of the cinnamon swirls by swapping the flour to GF flour - it ended in disaster. They didn't look particularly appetizing to start, I tried them on the day I cooked them and they were, not terrible, so I said I'd get some to my cousin. Luckily I tired them again the day after as something the back of my head was told me I should - and lo and behold they were DISGUSTING. Something had happened overnight to turn them from meh, into blegh. I had to bin the lot - it was a bit upsetting.

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